Tuesday, May 27, 2008

For Memorial Day we went to Red Cliffs for a hike. I sure do love the red sand rock. For as many times as we have hiked this spot, I still get breathless at the beauty. Grandma and Grandpa went with us! What a treat!

the house in progress

We passed the four way inspection!!!! Now on to more messes!
The stucco guys were here today prepping. It is fun to see this house come out of my imagination and into reality. A bit scary, trusting my self with the endless choices. But, I keep saying, "we learn as we go!" So far, all has gone really well, knock on wood. Alex and I are sticking together on everything. He has finally got to the point when the subcontractors ask a question, he says ask Chauncey, she's the one with the answers. Good boy:) See he sticking to the plan. What ever Chauncey wants, Chauncey gets....